attribute: 归因为 contribute:贡献,投稿 brisk: 轻快 bristle: 硬毛,气势汹汹 barter: 物物交换 banter: speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner. blight: withered, blast boom: to make a deep hollow sound; to grow or cause to grow rapidly esp. Calumniate: defame, malign libel Culmination: reach the highest point Fulmination: 攻击,指责 Canvas:油布 Canvass: to seek orders or votes: solicit Cataclysm: a violent change or upheaval Catalysis: 加速 Cessation:终止,(短暂)停止 Cession:割让,转让 Concession:让步,特许权 Secession:脱离,退出 Cater:迎合,承办 crater:火山口,弹坑 Circumscribe... [ 查看全文 ]【GRE词汇】易混淆词汇总结的相关文章