你是不是对记英语单词感到头痛,留学群考研英语频道为大家提供考研精品复习资料二:100句话轻松记住考研英语词汇,希望对大家的复习有所帮助! 考研精品复习资料二:100句话轻松记住考研英语词汇 温馨提示:如果大家对下面的句子翻译不满意,可以试一下小编为大家提供的翻译工具,点击查看! 21、The trend of pretending to contend has extended. 假装斗争的趋势已延伸到了捆扎不同种类的磨石, 22、The ground stone wound by bonds was fond of the bond of diamonds and was corresponding to a bound fund beyond. 被债券缠身的磨石对钻石边子有兴趣,还和远处的约束基金有通信。 23、The profound compound has surrounded a sound Oceanian cafeteria. 深奥的化合物包围了一间健全的大洋州餐厅。 24、The method of keeping a good mood is to have enough food during the period of childhood... [ 查看全文 ]考研精品复习资料二:100句话轻松记住考研英语词汇的相关文章