中考英语动态:高考选择专业的13条大错 双语
The 13 Biggest Mistakes in Picking a Major 对很多学生而言,选择专业可能是他们大学生涯所做的最为重要的学业决定。然而,它也充满了众多的错误,从错误的时间到错误的缘由。所以,这里学生在选择专业时所犯的最常见、代价最重的错误(我们还会拿出自己最好的建议来避免犯错)。 For many students, picking a major is the single biggest academic decision they'll have to make in their college career. It's also the one most fraught with mistakes, ranging from picking at the wrong time to picking for the wrong reasons. So, here's a baker's dozen of the most common—and most costly—mistakes students make in picking a major (and our best advice on how to avoid them): 1.选择专业... [ 查看全文 ]中考英语动态:高考选择专业的13条大错 双语的相关文章