以下是从事gre培训的老师总结的gre句子填空解题技巧,其实所有的题目都是有技巧、规律可循的,只要抓住这个规律就能轻松解题。 gre句子填空解题技巧:并列关系同义词解法 并列关系最典型的一个连接词便是"and"。此外,indeed, just as, also, almost, even, similarly, correspondingly, accordingly, in the same way 等亦属并列关系。总之,凡是不含对立转折关系的大多可列入关列关系,解题时只需将相应的中心线索定位,找出一个同义词的选项即可。 gre句子填空例1: When I watch drivers routinely slam their cars to a halt, --------- take corners on two wheels, and blunder wildly over construction potholes and railroad crossings, I consider it a --------- to automotive design that cars don't shake apart far sooner. (A) gradually ... [ 查看全文 ]【GRE词汇】名师指点之同义词详解的相关文章