你是不是想找一套英语完形填空的模拟题练练手呢?留学群考研英语频道为大家提供2015青海考研英语完型填空模拟题及答案,小编提醒大家多多练习,总结这类题目的命题规律。 2015青海考研英语完型填空模拟题及答案 Managers must become proficient cross-cultural communicators if they wish to succeed in today’s global environment. Culture consists of the values, attitudes, and 1 in a given group of most of the people most of the time. 2 communication is communication in a management 3 to achieve a 4 result (writing a memo, interviewing an applicant, running a meeting, preparing a presentation). If you are working in a different culture, you may h... [ 查看全文 ]2015青海考研英语完型填空模拟题及答案的相关文章
2015考研英语题源阅读:Satellite imagery
出国网考研英语频道为大家提供2015考研英语题源阅读:Satellite imagery,大家可以阅读一下!小编提醒大家要多阅读,考试阅读的速度才会快! 2015考研英语题源阅读:Satellite imagery FOR an industry that lurked in shadows for decades, satellite imaging’s transition i...[ 查看全文 ]正在提交表单,请稍后...