声明:我们的范文仅为大家提供一个写作思路,以及一些可参考的论点论据,文章仅供参考,切记不可原文背诵,否则可能导致极低的分数! What are the purposes of the places such as museums, and how should they be funded? ----------------------Discussion-----285words in total------------------ Introduction (42 words) It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of scientific, historical,cultural or natural objects. Undoubtedly museums can have many purposes in the city; I would like to mention two of them as following. Body1 (68 words) Visiting museums can give you much information.... [ 查看全文 ]雅思作文范文大全:修建博物馆的目的的相关文章
雅思写作真题:犯罪(crime and punishment)题目分析
雅思写作真题题目是大家在练习雅思写作的时候最好的材料,而在所有的雅思写作真题题目当中,关于犯罪的题目一向是层出不穷。所以下面就为大家搜集了一些关于犯罪和惩罚的雅思写作真题题目,供大家参考。 一 长期监禁抑或教育改造 2008年9月18日 Some people think that criminals should not be imprisoned. Instead, educatio...[ 查看全文 ]