We like to pride ourselves on having so many “world-class” universities – punching far above our global weight. But we also like to be “little Englanders”, fearful of being swamped by immigrants and desperate to rush for the European exit. 我们以拥有很多世界一流的大学感到骄傲自豪——使英国在国际上拥有一席之地。但是我们甘愿成为渺小的英国人,因为担心被移民大潮“淹没”,而急于寻找通向欧洲的出路。 The truth is we can’t have it both ways. Either we are internationalists, or we are xenophobes. It is no good arguing these are different people – enlightened liberals on the one hand, and the rightwing mob on the other. The same... [ 查看全文 ]英国大学呼吁海外学生移民的相关文章