新托福是想要留学北美学子们必背的难关,而在考试中,写作部分是主观性很强的一个部分,不仅需要写作技巧的积累,还要拓宽自己的知识面,在这里留学群为大家带来了托福范文今日背诵,请大家密切关注本站哦!每天进步一点,相信你也定会突破这道考试难关的。 A or DA: Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development. 题型:呼吁题 论点:一边倒(同意) 论证角度:利弊分析 开头:同意政府应该把财政预算更多地放在环保上。(话题引入+双方观点呈现+我方观点及过渡句) The past several decades have witnessed that the world’s economy is booming. Modern skyscrapers, convenient communications, fast transportations make it easier and cozier for people to live in this planet. However, people are beginni... [ 查看全文 ]新托福范文每天背:呼吁题的相关文章