下面是我们搜集的美国化学专业的个人简历英文范文,希望对大家的美国留学申请个人简历写作有所帮助,我们提供的个人简历英文模板仅供参考,请大家不要照搬。 Objective To pursue graduate study in chemistry and chemical engineering Education School of Chemical Engineering and Technology 2003—present xxxx University, China Degree: B.S. (expected in July 2007) GPA: 3.15/4.0 (Overall); 3.21/4.0 (Major) Class Rank: 5/52 Experience xxxx University RA: School of Chemical Engineering and Technology 2005 - present Supervisor: Professor xxx Project: Synthesis and photo-luminescence of porphyrins. Responsibility: 1 Database... [ 查看全文 ]美国化学专业的个人简历英文范文的相关文章