2015年1月25日托福考试结束了,小伙伴们考得如何呢?大家是否能通过此次托福考试呢?托福考试综合口语是许多考生难以克服的弱点,此次考试你弱了么?今天留学群在这里为大家带来2015年1月25日托福考试综合口语真题及答案,跟着小编一起温故知新吧! 欲了解本次考试答案请点击:《2015年1月25日托福考试真题及答案(汇总)》 Task 3 The school plans to start a student art club so that students can learn about art and still pursue their major, and the club will offer affordable museum tickets for students to see art. The man in the conversation agrees. First, he really loved art in high school, but now he majors in chemistry and doesn’t have time for art. The new art club would be a good chance ... [ 查看全文 ]2015.1.25托福考试综合口语真题及答案的相关文章