无忧雅思网:2011.6.11 雅思口语Part1预测
下面是2011年6月11日雅思口语Part1预测的详细内容,是由无忧雅思网所发布的。雅思口语预测一直都是以题量丰富而让考生们心有余悸,但是这次的无忧雅思口语Part1预测非常的精简,那么这次雅思考试当中会有哪些题目出现呢?我们一起来看一下详细内容吧。 口语:看预测及机经还是相当有用的。有时间看一下雅思网站雅思口语类新闻。 口语 1. Major/work/handicrafts Are you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? Do your love courses about science? explain why. Is it easy to get a job now? explain why. Did you love to do handicrafts before? what is the real meaning of it? do you want to do it in the future? 2. Hometown /Birds Where are you from? Are there any changes happened in your home... [ 查看全文 ]无忧雅思网:2011.6.11 雅思口语Part1预测的相关文章