我们不必害怕老师家访 留学群讯 美国很多学校都强调与家长沟通的重要性,然而传统的沟通方式只限于电话或者家长会,但现在一些学校已经开始采取家访这种形式。然而也有学校对这种形式感到担忧,家访的效果真的好吗? Dave Levin thought he was going to be fired from his Houston school the day he picked up a huge, unruly sixth-grader and dropped him in his seat. He had touched a kid. That was a big no-no. He felt so bad that he went to the boy’s small wood-frame home after school — another thing he had been told never to do — and apologized to the boy’s mother. Devin Levin以为自己会被休斯敦学校解雇,因为他把一个不守规矩的学生从座位上拽起来然后在扔回座位上,学校是绝对不允许老师这样做的。他感觉很抱歉,于是去了那个学生的家和那个孩子的妈妈道歉... [ 查看全文 ]我们不必害怕老师家访的相关文章