生活中,夫妇俩因为各种琐事发生争吵是不可避免的事,那么,经过科学研究调查,除了具体的内容和导火索事件外,夫妇俩争吵时都在想什么呢? Fights between couples are personal. So it makes sense that the passionate ones are rarely about the actual content but rather are typically about something else entirely. But what is the “something else?” Well for a new study published in the journal Psychological Assessment scientists created a questionnaire and gave it to 3,539 married couples with ages ranging from 18 to 85 years, and with length of marriages ranging from one year to 61 years. They then analyzed variabl... [ 查看全文 ]新托福阅读练习资料:夫妇俩争吵时都在想什么呢?的相关文章
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