2011.6.25 雅思口语Part2预测【王陆】
下面是2011年6月11日雅思口语Part2预测的内容,是由雅思口语名师王陆所发布的。王陆老师的807单词是雅思考生所推崇的最为有效的背单词的方法之一,相信大家也可以从她的雅思口语预测中找到自己的薄弱环节进行适当的准备。下面是详细内容。 27个必备的核心卡片 Wild animal Exciting sport Hobby Clothing Equipment Toy Vehicle you would like to buy Pollution in your city Law in China TV presenter Quiz show Advertisement News story Birthday party Important festival Person in history in your country Company your friend or relative works in Library 人物 Old person =a person who speaks a different language=someone you want to spend time with=a famous person fr... [ 查看全文 ]2011.6.25 雅思口语Part2预测【王陆】的相关文章