解读美国大学招生录取过程的4个关键 As a prospective international student, maybe you’ve been thinking about studying abroad for some time, but haven’t decided yet which country to go to. There are, of course, many countries with top-notch universities. However, there are some ways that U.S. universities differ from those in many other countries, especially when it comes to the undergraduate admissions process. 许多学生有出国留学的想法,很多人或许现在就在为出国留学做准备,但你们中也有一部分人却还没决定该去哪个国家留学。当然许多国家都拥有一流的大学,然而,美国大学在本科录取阶段跟其他国家的大学会有一些不同。下面小编就为你列举几个不同,以供正打算去美国留学的朋友参考。 The U.S. does not hav... [ 查看全文 ]解读美国大学招生录取过程的4个关键的相关文章