英语阅读材料:30 Days To Lose Weight
It’s quite natural that people should want to improve their appearance. When we look good, we feel good. New clothes, fashionable shoes, makeup and accessories change our looks. What weight loss does is that it improves our health. Good things are not easy to accomplish. Weigh loss involves getting rid of your old bad habits, getting used to a new diet and workout routine. To make things slightly easier, we offer to follow our advice below: 人们都想要让自己变得更好看,这是很正常的。当我们看上去很好看的时候,自我感觉也会好点。新衣服,时尚的鞋子,化妆品和小饰品都会改善我们的外表。怎样减肥才能改善我们的健康。好的结果不是那么容易得到的... [ 查看全文 ]英语阅读材料:30 Days To Lose Weight的相关文章
SAT阅读材料:Meaning Is Healthier Than Happiness
生活的很快乐却感觉人生没什么意义的人和长期遭受苦难的人有着同样的困扰,所以有时候生活有意义比快乐更健康一点。 People who are happy but have little-to-no sense of meaning in their lives have the same gene expression patterns as people who are enduring c...[ 查看全文 ]SAT阅读材料:How to Build a Happier Brain
人类大脑自然地偏向于负面吗?一名神经心理学家讲为什么尽管如今有大量心理学招、自助书、和药物,还是很不容易让自己天天开心。 A neuropsychological approach to happiness, by meeting core needs (safety, satisfaction, and connection) and training neurons to overcome ...[ 查看全文 ]