杜克大学商学院MBA写作要求,杜克的申请以下三点要格外注意: (1)强调GLOBAL BUSINESS SENSE,即国际化的背景多元和多种思维; (2)强调TEAM WORK,你和你的CLASSMATE必须有共通和呼吸。 (3)对课程的兴趣和选择DUKE的坚定,你一般可以选两个CONCENTRATION。 1. Describe your vision for your career, your inspiration for pursuing this career path, and the role of The Duke MBA in achieving your goals. If you are interested in a specific concentration or joint degree program, please discuss in this essay. (1.5 spacing, no smaller than point 10) (先讲讲自己人生到了这一步要MBA,然后规划下面3-5年发展。然后说为什么你的需求现在只有DUKE可以满足,注意上面三点,DUKE的项目有什么特点,) 2. Discuss a person, ... [ 查看全文 ]杜克大学商学院MBA申请写作要求的相关文章