BBC News:加拿大著名节目主持人遭解雇
下面是留学群英语频道整理的BBC News:加拿大著名节目主持人遭解雇,欢迎阅读。 >>>点击下载音频 >>>点击下载文本 BBC News with Nick Kelly. 尼克·凯利为您播报BBC新闻 The White House says it's confident that its strategy to train Iraqi security forces and enlist Sunni tribal fighters will succeed in the fight against Islamic State militants. The comments came after President Obama proves the deployment of an additional 450 US military personnel to Anbar Province where IS has made major gains. Josh Ernest is the White House spokesman. 白宫方面声称训练伊拉克保安部队和征募逊尼派部落士兵的战略将会成功击退伊斯兰极端分子。奥巴马总统又向伊斯兰占据的安巴省调派450名... [ 查看全文 ]BBC News:加拿大著名节目主持人遭解雇的相关文章