2011.7.30雅思预测之口语Part 1【慎小嶷】
下面是2011年7月30日雅思口语Part1预测的详细内容,是由雅思口语专家慎小嶷老师所发布的。2011年7月30日的雅思口语考试会出现什么话题呢?下面我们就来看看这篇雅思口语Part1预测吧,看看有什么是可以借鉴参考的地方。 ☆ What’s your hometown famous for? Is it good for young people? What will your hometown be like in the future? Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown? ☆ Does your Chinese name have any special meanings? Do you think you’ll change your name in the future? Who give children their names in Chinese families? ☆ Do you like swimming? What’re the benefits of swimming? Do you prefer... [ 查看全文 ]2011.7.30雅思预测之口语Part 1【慎小嶷】的相关文章