电视和电影相关的话题是雅思口语话题中最常见的两个类别,关于这两个类别的雅思口语话题层出不穷,在每一次的雅思口语考试中几乎都会出现。下面就为大家搜集整理了关于电视和电影的雅思口语答题技巧,供大家参考。 在电视和电影这个雅思口语话题中,很大一部分是关于好处和坏处的,所以下面的雅思口语话题答题技巧就从这两个方面为大家介绍一下。 雅思口语话题中,Positive Side of TV and Films: 1. Television is one of the most important forms of entertainment and communication. 2. Television has the power to educate and to entertain. 3. There is probably no greater influence on society than the television, which has saturated our lives. 4. Children watch TV to receive the daily news. 5. TV plays a big role in a child’s lif... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语特训:关于电视电影的答题技巧的相关文章
新托福口语高频真题收集:public areas and school
新托福口语高频真题语言地道,精准用词,高分必备,如果你是正在准备新托福考试的同学,对口语感到迷茫的同学或者是想在托福考试中获得高分的同学,那么赶快来学些新托福口语考试高频真题吧。 Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include spec...[ 查看全文 ]正在提交表单,请稍后...