有的人说,如果你想在社会上混下去就不能很老实。不过,最近的一个十年多的考察暗示很乐观的、很信任别人的人更会挣钱。下面跟着留学群小编一起来看看。 Study: Optimists make more money than cynics 研究表明:乐观主义者比悲观主义者更能挣钱。 Cynicism comes at a price. Literally. 从字面意义上来说,悲观主义者付出的代价更大。 That’s the conclusion of newly published research, which finds holding cynical beliefs about humanity is harmful not only to your personal health, but also to your personal wealth. 这是最新研究的结论,就是发现对人性持悲观信念的人不仅危害个人健康,还会影响个人财富的获得。 University of Cologne researchers Olga Stavrova and Daniel Ehlebracht report cynics in both Germany and ... [ 查看全文 ]英语阅读:乐观的人更能挣钱的相关文章
英语美文阅读:There's No Such Thing as Everlasting Love
以下是留学群英语频道为大家提供的英语美文阅读:There's No Such Thing as Everlasting Love(没有比永恒的爱情更美好的事了),欢迎阅读。 A new book argues that the emotion happens in "micro-moments of positivity resonance." Paramount Pictures ...[ 查看全文 ]