China animal activists seek to muzzle dog meat festival 中国动物保护人士集体抵制玉林狗肉节 A notorious Dog Meat Festival in southwest China has sparked an outcry among the nation’s growing ranks of pet lovers, who say the event has spurred an illicit trade in stolen pets. 在中国南方声名狼藉的狗肉节,引发了正不断增多的宠物爱好者的公开抗议。这些宠物爱好者表示,狗肉节活动刺激了被窃宠物的非法贸易。 Dog meat is a popular winter food in parts of China and Korea, where the rich meat is believed to help keep people warm. But the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, which will be held this weekend in Guangxi near the border with Vie... [ 查看全文 ]双语阅读:中国动物保护人士集体抵制玉林狗肉节的相关文章
英语美文阅读:There's No Such Thing as Everlasting Love
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