上周末播出的《权力的游戏》第五季大结局,以10万人次的优势超越本季首播时800万的历史最高收视纪录。 比收视更为热烈的是播出完成之后的观众反应。每五分钟就得死一个人、主角纷纷命运突转(没有一个是“好命”),惨烈的剧情让早就习惯“冰火”大屠杀属性的剧迷们都难以接受。 Sunday night's Season Five finale of Game of Thrones found Valar morghulis — "All men must die" — taken to its extreme conclusion with the deaths of multiple characters. But the biggest, by far, was Jon Snow, who, as our recap noted, "fell like Caesar by the blades of his supposed brothers, slain for treason against the Night's Watch even as the largest killing machine in the world — the army of the dead — marc... [ 查看全文 ]太会演了:看《权力的游戏》结局时美帝观众反应的相关文章
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