下面是几项关于雅思口语开头的模板,非常实用。雅思口语开头是吸引考官的最关键的一个环节,所以大家在准备雅思口语考试的答案的时候,一定要准备有自己特色的雅思口语开头模板。 一,...说了...的雅思口语高分开头模板 As far as I am concerned,….. As for me…… Attitude towards it varies a lot, I think…. To be honest Actually.. To tell the truth…. I side with those people who…… It depends, different people have different ….. Absolutely……. Exactly! Oh.it is difficult. For me to make a choice (tell the differences), you know……(on one hand…….on the other hand…….) Well, it is an interesting (tough)question ,(because….),let me think,en…….. You kn... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语:好的开关意味着成功一半!的相关文章
新托福口语高频真题收集:public areas and school
新托福口语高频真题语言地道,精准用词,高分必备,如果你是正在准备新托福考试的同学,对口语感到迷茫的同学或者是想在托福考试中获得高分的同学,那么赶快来学些新托福口语考试高频真题吧。 Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include spec...[ 查看全文 ]