雅思机经:2011.7.28 雅思口语Part2【新东方】
下面是2011年7月28日雅思口语Part2考题回忆的相关内容,是由新东方的雅思口语名师所发布的。2011年7月28日雅思口语Part2考题涉及到了很多的以前流行的经典话题。下面是详细内容,供大家参考,希望给大家带来帮助。 2011年7月28日雅思口语Part2与其对应的part3考题(下划线为高频考点): 1. Describe a room where you enjoyed spending time in your childhood What is the difference between houses in cities and houses in the countryside? How would our houses be like in the future? What benefits could it bring about when you make some changes to your house? 2. A person with the spirit of adventure What characteristics you think a successful person should own? Is a success... [ 查看全文 ]雅思机经:2011.7.28 雅思口语Part2【新东方】的相关文章