《星际穿越》男神、奥斯卡影帝马修·麦康纳6月中旬应邀前往休斯顿大学做毕业典礼演讲。在长达45分钟的演讲中,麦康纳与同学们分享了很多人生哲理。据美国在线AOL网站报道,麦康纳的校园演讲价格不菲,要价13.5万美金。不过,麦康纳本人表示这笔钱打算捐出来做慈善。下面就来看看马修·麦康纳在休斯顿大学毕业典礼上的演讲。 Much like McConaughey’s 2014 Oscar acceptance speech, his address to University of Houston grads didn’t always make a ton of sense, but hey, that’s why we love the guy. The rambling oration was full of vague, Rust Cohle-esque aphorisms and metaphors — delivered with all-caps emphasis — such as: “DON’T LEAVE CRUMBS” and “TAKE THE LID OFF THE MAN-MADE ROOFS WE PUT AB... [ 查看全文 ]马修·麦康纳在休斯顿大学毕业典礼上的演讲的相关文章