此系列为商务英语口语900句,一次一个单元,中英文对照,让你轻轻松松学会商务英语。下面是留学群整理的商务英语口语900句(六),欢迎阅读。 >>>点击下载音频 Unit three 业务范围介绍 Part I (61) We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a sate-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light iindustrial goods. (62) We are introducing ourselves as one of the lading exporters of the same line of business (63) We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export of canned goods. (64) We introduce ourselves as dealers in bicycles and spare parts. We have been in this line for ... [ 查看全文 ]商务英语口语900句(六)的相关文章