下面是留学群整理的英语新闻:新型材料的自我修复功能:碎屏能自动愈合,欢迎参考。 A new self-repairing material has been developed by researchers in the UK and they say it’ll be ready to integrate into everything from smartphone screens to nail varnish within the next five years. 英国研究员已开发一种能自我修复的新型材料,他们声称在未来5年内,这款材料将整合入所有的东西中——从智能手机屏幕到指甲油。 Originally developed for aeroplane wings, the technology has the potential to revolutionise a range of industries with the capacity to move into tiny cracks and harden inside like the way blood forms a dry, protective scab to heal flesh ... [ 查看全文 ]英语新闻:碎屏的自动愈合功能的相关文章
英语新闻:China betting big on these 10 industries 中国十大朝阳产业
Global consultancy McKinsey projects Chinese companies to become frontrunners in some, if not all, of the key industries listed in the "Made in China 2025" initiative. 全球咨询公司麦肯锡中国分公司计划成为某些领域的领跑者,如果不是...[ 查看全文 ]