与人初次约会就能看穿他人心思可能吗?麻省理工的一项最新发明让这成为可能。今天的新托福考试阅读练习资料就会给我们介绍这项有意思的发明。 The 'social x-ray' glasses have a built-in camera which monitors the other person¿s facial expressions and matches them up with 24 known features which convey emotions Going on a date can be a nightmare for the best of us. But now a pair of ‘social X-Ray’ glasses promises to tell you exactly what the other person is thinking - and when you should stop talking. The glasses have a built-in camera which monitors the other person’s facial expressio... [ 查看全文 ]新托福阅读资料:读心术的相关文章
新托福阅读练习资料:Fatherless Honeybees
蜜蜂的社会有哪些特殊之处?今天的新托福考试阅读练习资料中我们就要了解这方面的信息。 How male honeybees can be without fathers? The reason lies in what’s called a haploidiploid system of sex determination. Approximately one-fifth of t...[ 查看全文 ]