说到凶猛的鱼类,很多人都感到胆颤心寒,今天的新托福阅读特训就来说说那些有关凶猛鱼类的故事。 The movie Jaws(大白鲨) was so frightening that many people who saw the film swore off swimming in the ocean. Consequently, when most people think of fearsome sea creatures, sharks come immediately to mind. Less well remembered is the movie Piranha (食人鱼), a Jaws knock-off that featured deadly tropical fish terrorizing a small-town river. But while Piranha the movie may have been toothless, in real life its featured predators put sharks and all other aquatic creatures to shame when it comes to underw... [ 查看全文 ]新托福阅读资料:凶猛的鱼类的相关文章
新托福阅读练习资料:Fatherless Honeybees
蜜蜂的社会有哪些特殊之处?今天的新托福考试阅读练习资料中我们就要了解这方面的信息。 How male honeybees can be without fathers? The reason lies in what’s called a haploidiploid system of sex determination. Approximately one-fifth of t...[ 查看全文 ]