
托福每日词汇:love bubble的相关文章推荐

托福每日词汇:love bubble

留学群托福频道为各位考生带来托福每日词汇:love bubble,希望对大家备战托福考试有所帮助。 Love bubble指刚刚恋爱的那段时间,所有的工作、计划、与别人的交流以及生活中需要做的事情都被忽略,一心只想跟爱的人在一起,也就是我们所说的“热恋期”。 Love bubble is the period of time immediately after falling in love when one's obligations, plans, communication with others, and sometimes necessities become neglected due to the desire to spend time with the loved one. For example: Upon meeting, Jack and Jill entered a particularly severe love bubble where they forgot to eat or sleep for an entire day, but it was of no matter to them. 杰克和吉尔刚见面就进入密集热恋期,他们一整天不... [ 查看全文 ]

托福每日词汇:love bubble的相关文章


下面是留学群整理的托福每日词汇:轻宵夜brinner,欢迎参考。 Brinner is a fusion of breakfast and dinner. It’s the idea of eating breakfast foods when you finish a day’s work in the wee hours of night. Brinner是...[ 查看全文 ]

托福每日词汇:down aging重回童真

下面是留学群整理的托福每日词汇:down aging重回童真,欢迎参考。 "What age is most fun?" asks marketing expert Faith Popcorn. "How about being stuck at six!" With these words futurist Popcorn highlights a trend she believes...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群整理的托福词汇:英式拼写和美式拼写的区别,欢迎参考。 (1) 英国英语单词中不发音的词尾 -me, -ue在美国英语拼写中被删 除 。 如 : kilogramme/kilogram ( 公斤), programme/program ( 方案), catalogue/catalog(目录)等。 (2) 英国英语中的以 -our 结尾的单词, 在美国英语中删去了不发音的字母 u。...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群托福频道整理的托福词汇:“把某人炒鱿鱼”,欢迎阅读。 To give someone the moon door means to break up with somebody. Alternatively, it means to fire somebody from a job. 把某人推出月亮门指与某人分手,也可以指,把某人炒鱿鱼。 Basically, the wor...[ 查看全文 ]



下面是留学群托福频道整理的托福词汇:“自然流产”,欢迎阅读。 这是一项令人吃惊的结论,但调查结果确实显示:由于社会压力和不良生活习惯的影响,我国已婚人群中不孕不育的比例达到了7%至10%,不孕不育的现象呈增长趋势。专家认为,女性过度晚婚晚育和频繁人工流产是导致不孕不育以及自然流产的原因之一。 请看新华网相关报道:The world's most populous nation is suf...[ 查看全文 ]

托福词汇:“guest star 客串”

下面是留学群托福频道整理的托福词汇:“guest star 客串”,欢迎阅读。 Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston will smooch on season finale of FX's "Dirt." In the episode, Aniston, 38, guest stars as a lesbian magazine editor and ri...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群托福频道整理的托福词汇:“autograph亲笔签名”,欢迎阅读。 在实际运用中,“亲笔签名”并不仅仅拘泥于“autograph”一词。有时,我们单用动词“sign”或名词“signature”也可以,例如:If Mr Bush had signed all the cards personally he would have needed to start in late su...[ 查看全文 ]

托福词汇:“big wig大人物”

下面是留学群托福频道整理的托福词汇:“big wig大人物”,欢迎阅读。 无中生有剃光头,头发剃光后又去狂购假发、且购假发成瘾…… 世界上还能有几个像布兰妮这般走极端的?看下面一段外电报道,瞧瞧如何表达“假发”: Britney Spears has become addicted to buying wigs, it has been reported. The troubled st...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群托福频道整理的托福词汇:“填补漏洞”,欢迎阅读。 据报道,个人所得税税制改革有望今年启动,目标是由现行的分类个税税制转向综合和分类相结合的个税税制。我国目前的分类税制存在较多的逃税避税漏洞,如对不同的所得项目采取不同税率和扣除,易造成纳税人分解收入、多次扣除费用的危险。 请看《中国日报》相关报道:Taxation authorities are mulling reform o...[ 查看全文 ]

托福词汇:“block ticket sale团购”

下面是留学群托福频道整理的托福词汇:“block ticket sale团购”,欢迎阅读。 Each ticket will have a digital chip that identifies the purchaser to prevent re-selling the much sought after tickets and to help identify counterfeit...[ 查看全文 ]
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