美国宇航局(NASA)今晨就开普勒望远镜的新发现举行新闻发布会,宣布发现了“另一颗地球”。 NASA on Thursday announced the discovery of Kepler-452b, the most Earth-like planet ever found. Located 1,400 light-years from our planet, NASA called it "Earth 2.0,"because it's the first planet discovered in the habitable zone of a G star similar to our sun. 周四,美国国家航空航天局(以下简称为NASA)宣布发现开普勒-452b,是迄今为止与地球最为相近的行星。该行星距离地球1400光年,NASA将其命名为“地球2.0”,因为它是第一颗人类在宜居带里与太阳相似的恒星附近发现的行星。 "We can think of Kepler-452b as an older, bigger cousin to Earth, providing an opportunity to understand and reflect upon Ea... [ 查看全文 ]英语新闻:NASA宣布发现“另一个地球”的相关文章
英语视频:Floods in Europe 欧洲中部遭暴雨洪水袭击
下面是留学群整理的英语视频:Floods in Europe 欧洲中部遭暴雨洪水袭击,欢迎参考。 文字稿: Floods have been causing havoc in central Europe. Some areas had two months' rain in two days. Rivers are swollen and still rising....[ 查看全文 ]