牛津大学作为英国高等学府、世界名校,培养了一批批杰出人才,在社会各个领域展现出自己的才华,在世界各地作出卓越贡献。留学群(www.liuxuequn.com)为大家介绍牛津大学的杰出校友情况。 Oxford people 牛津“人” With more than 22,000 students, 11,000 staff and 230,000 alumni around the world, people are what make Oxford an internationally renowned university. 牛津大学有22,000名在校生,11,000教职员工,230,000毕业生,他们遍布在世界各地,正是他们让牛津大学成为举世闻名的大学。 Famous Oxonians Gifted men and women have studied or taught at the University throughout its history. Among them are 26 British Prime Ministers, at least 30 international leaders, 50 Nobel Prize winners, and 120... [ 查看全文 ]牛津大学杰出校友的相关文章