Are you a proactive team player with a proven track record and a dynamic skill set? Then keep it to yourself. Words and phrases such as ‘dynamic’ or ‘problem solver’ have been named as the most overused cliches on jargon-filled CVs. 如何在英文简历表现自己?什么样的形容词最能恰如其分地展现自己的实力?我们不得而知,但是研究者倒是研究出了N个在英文简历上最最忌讳出现的单词,比如:dynamic有活力的、problem solver问题处理专家等等,这些空白无力而又略显得夸张甚至浮华的词语会让考官“恶心”,简历直接“打入冷宫”。 It seems that despite describing themselves as ‘innovative’, many workers are anything but as they resort to the same dull and ... [ 查看全文 ]留学生如何在个人英文简历表现自己的相关文章