留学群GMAT频道为各位考生整理了2015年7月GMAT作文机经:服装厂开连锁店,供广大考生阅读参考。 点击进入:2015年7月GMAT作文机经汇总 1. 手机稀有金属 原始: 作文考的本月鸡精拿到手机厂家要买贵金属锁定价格; 考古: V1 A cellmanufacturer说Cellphone production requires some precious metals, such as...The price of thesemetals increased and decreased dramatically. We forecast that thegrowth of the sales of the cell phone will continue. Therefore, we plan to buy largequantities of these metals immediately to lock in the costs and guarantee theprofits. V2“cell phone manufacturing requires a large variety of precious and expensive metasl,... [ 查看全文 ]2015年7月GMAT作文机经:手机稀有金属的相关文章