出国留学高考网为大家提供2016年高考英语作文预测:捐款通知,更多高考资讯请关注我们网站的更新! 2016年高考英语作文预测:捐款通知 1为了支援四川地震灾区,学生会组织全体同学进行捐款捐物; 2. 捐款金额不限,物资主要需要衣服、棉被、手电等; 3. 活动、时间地点 4. 所捐钱款和物资将会上交给中国红十字基金会(Chinese Red Cross Foundation) Dear all students, In order to support earthquake-stricken areas in Sichuan, Student union intends to organize a Donation Program and expects donation from all of you. You can donate money or materials. If you would like to donate money, please put your money into the donation box at the entrance to Teaching Building. Two volunteer students are available th... [ 查看全文 ]2016年高考英语作文预测:捐款通知的相关文章