七年级上期中英语模拟试题及答案 测试范围:七年级(上)Unit One –Unit Six 留学英语liuxuequn.com中学英语教师王培同 I. 选出每组中不同范畴的词。 ( )1. A. socks B. pants C. short D. sweater ( )2. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. salad ( )3. A. banana B. cream C. pear D. orange ( )4. A. chicken B. broccoli C. strawberry D. carrot ( )5. A. take B. join C. has D. like ( )6. A. telephone B. gold C. television D. computer ( )7. A. racket B. baseball C. ping-pong D. soccer ( )8. A. dresser B. table C. sofa D. plant ( )9. A. wall B. floor C. where D. room ( )10. A. brother B. sister C. c... [ 查看全文 ]中考英语动态:七年级上期中英语模拟试题及答案的相关文章
:小学六年级英语教案——A famous person Lesson 90
Period: The Second Period Properties: Tape-recorder, Some pictures of Bill Gates Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aim Students should be able to read the text and answer questions correctly, and also g...[ 查看全文 ]:小学六年级英语教案——What do you like? Lesson 98
一、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)复习和食物相关的词汇。 (2)学习句型:Does Lin Tao like bananas/eggs/bread/meat? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 2.能力目标 能够熟练运用本节课所学到的句型对话。 3.情感目标 培养学生良好的饮食习惯,不挑食,不厌食。 二、教学重点与难点: Does he/...[ 查看全文 ]正在提交表单,请稍后...