挪威奥斯陆大学建于1811年,史挪威规模最大、历史最久的公立大学,世界排名在60-70位左右,设有英文授课的硕士课程供国际学生申请。 Asia and Middle East Studies (master's two years) Astronomy (master's two years) Biodiversity and systematics (master's two years) Biology (master's two years) career:Asia (1-year unit) Chemistry (master's two years) Comparative and International Education (master's two years) Computational Science and Engineering (master's two years) Culture, Environment and Sustainability (master's two years) Development Geography (master's two years) Economics (master's two years)... [ 查看全文 ]挪威奥斯陆大学英文授课的硕士课程介绍的相关文章