2016年考研英语复习已经进入最后的冲刺阶段,大家一方面要抓阅读,另一方面突击作文提分,而对于作文的训练,大家要多练习话题,多积累素材,背诵模板,参照范文进行仿写,争取拿高分,下面是留学群考研英语频道提供2016年考研英语作文题目预测:家庭和朋友哪个影响大,大家可以参考一下,更多考研英语作文请关注我们网站的更新。 2016年考研英语作文题目预测:家庭和朋友哪个影响大 Topic(题目): Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Otherpeople think that friends are the most importantinfluence on young adults. Which view do youagree with? Use examples to support yourposition. Model Essay(范文): Although friends make an impression on yourlife, they do not have the same influence that yourfamily... [ 查看全文 ]2016年考研英语作文题目预测:家庭和朋友哪个影响大的相关文章