


下面是留学群整理的雅思口语话题:上学时的朋友,欢迎阅读。 Describe a school friend you remember well. You should say: who this person was what he/she looked like Part 3 Are there any differences between childhood friends and friends in adulthood? Actually yes. First, a childhood friendship has innocence and there are easier ties to make with someone when you are younger. There are also easier ways to find things in common with another person when you are younger. When you’re older it’s kind of like having the safety net removed. Then, you can do someth... [ 查看全文 ]




下面是留学群整理的雅思口语Part1题库预测:Countryside农村,欢迎阅读。 一、Have you ever been to the countryside? I’m a city boy. I don’t think I would survive even one night in the countryside. It’s too quie...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群整理的雅思口语Part1题库预测:Photography摄影,欢迎阅读。 一.Do you like to take photographs? I got into photography because of my friends. Most of my friends are amateur photographers, they organise shooting ses...[ 查看全文 ]

雅思口语话题范文:Interesting Story On TV

以下雅思口语话题范文:Interesting Story On TV由留学群整理,仅供大家参考。同学们在雅思口试题的准备过程中,切记不可生硬背诵材料,一定要在材料的基础上加上自己的见解,做到答案新颖,这样才能吸引雅思考官的注意,从芸芸考生及答案中脱颖而出,得到雅思口语高分。 Describe an interesting story you saw on TV 描述你在电视上看到的有趣的故事...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群整理的雅思口语Part2题库:坐飞机旅行的朋友,欢迎阅读。 A Friend Who Travels By Air 坐飞机旅行的朋友 You should say: who this person is how often he/she travels by air where he/she usually travels to and explain why he/s...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群整理的雅思口语Part2题库:有重要工作的人,欢迎阅读。 A Person Whose Job Is Important 有重要工作的人 You should say: who he is what job he does what skills his job needs and explain why do you think it is an important ...[ 查看全文 ]

雅思口语Part1题库预测:Group Work团队工作

下面是留学群整理的雅思口语Part1题库预测:Group Work团队工作,欢迎阅读。 Do you prefer group-work or working alone? I honestly don't mind working in either setting. You may think that working individually means you'll get thi...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群雅思频道整理了2015年下半年9-12月雅思口语题库,给考生的雅思口语备考提供指南。 2015下半年9-12月雅思口语题库 Part 1 Name Hometown Work/study Weekends Vegetable &fruit Television Trees Transportation Text messages/phone calls Time ...[ 查看全文 ]


下面是留学群整理的雅思口语Part1题库预测:Swimming游泳,欢迎阅读。 Can you swim? Well, no, actually I had an unhappy experience swimming when I was a child. Actually, I nearly drowned when I had my first swimming lesson. So...[ 查看全文 ]


2016年的雅思口语评分标准是什么?下面就跟随留学群小编来看看《2016年雅思口语评分标准》,欢迎阅读。 雅思口语有四项评分标准: A.流利 (Fluency and Accuracy) B.词汇(vocabulary) C.语法(grammar) D.发音(pronunciation 标准一:流利度和连贯性(Fluency and Coherence): 雅思口试满分考生(9分...[ 查看全文 ]


今天留学群雅思小编为大家推荐一些在雅思口语考试中常用的句子,备考雅思的同学可以灵活运用。这些句子多出现在part1的题目中,同学们可以根据句子结构自行更换内容。 1. I am a student studying in Wuhan University, and I major in Computer Science. 我是武汉大学的学生,我的专业是计算机科学。 2. I chose ...[ 查看全文 ]
英语口语讲师 郑州朗阁—全职、兼职雅思、新托福教师 朋友祝福语 雅思教师 烟台分校雅思托福教师 关于祝女朋友的妈妈母亲节快乐温馨语 英语口语提高技巧 雅思考试报名入口 青年农民朋友 朋友&聚会祝福语 新农村朋友 新生入学时间 雅思沈阳考点变迁通知 雅思作文备考 新托福口语应试技巧 新托福口语真题实例收集 最新托福口语机经 新雅思阅读技巧 2015.8.28托福口语机经 雅思口语训练技巧
厄立特里亚留学雅思成绩要求 雅思成绩查询系统 东帝汶留学雅思成绩要求 刚果民主共和国留学雅思成绩要求 图瓦卢留学雅思成绩要求 密克罗尼西亚留学雅思成绩要求 吉布提留学雅思成绩要求 苏里南留学雅思成绩要求 希腊留学雅思成绩要求 荷属安的列斯留学雅思成绩要求