下面是留学群为大家准备的雅思口语话题范文,供大家参考借鉴。需要题型考生们注意的是,准备雅思口语话题的过程中一定不要背诵范文,要在原有材料的基础上融入自己的内容及观点,要新颖,才能在雅思口语考试中获得高分。雅思口语话题:Interesting Story On TV Describe an interesting story you saw on TV You should say: what the story was ① when you watched it ② who was in the story ③ and explain why you remember it ④ ① I'm pretty sure everyone got a clue of what "The Terminator" is about. ② The story is about the war between Human and Cyborgs:A terminator is sent from the future to prevent John Connor being borned. John Connor is the leader of those who fight against ... [ 查看全文 ]凉山雅思:雅思口语话题范文的相关文章