复习雅思口语part2以往的内容对雅思口语有作用吗?学习雅思口语part2范文,我们可以对比找出自己的缺点。参考学习雅思口语part2对我们的雅思口语绝对是有帮助的。留学群小编搜集整理了一篇雅思口语part2文章,希望同学们能够抽出时间看一下。雅思范文part2部分的内容比较简单,比较生活化。跟着留学群小编一起来看看雅思口语part2范文吧。雅思范文part2范文:Describe an artist Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the ... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语part2范文的相关文章