改革之后的新GRE词汇发生了一些变化,为了帮助大家更加方便地背诵GRE词汇,更好地准备GRE考试,下面留学群小编就给大家汇总大连GRE高频词汇总结,供大家参考记忆。abate become less in amount or intensity chicanery the use of tricks to deceive someone disseminate cause to become widely known gainsay take exception to latent potentially existing but not presently evident or realized aberrant markedly different from an accepted norm coagulate change from a liquid to a thickened or solid statethe closing section of a musical compositioncogent powerfully persuasive distend cause to expand as it by internal pressure gouge an im... [ 查看全文 ]大连GRE高频词汇总结的相关文章