托福写作中有一些会“遗传”的错误,考生们只顾着怎样用经典的句子加分,却忽略了打好基础,万丈高楼平地起的道理。在用句措辞不能保证完全正确的情况下,返璞归真来的更实际,少一些浮夸华丽的辞藻,但也不至于在托福写作中因诟病而被扣分,以下为大家列出托福写作中需要提防的10个常见错误。 1、用词不当 学生们写的作文里或多或少都会有一些用词不当的问题,但是要注意的是一些最最基本的错误是不能犯的。 In the show, if participators answer twenty problems that the host mentioned correctly, they will get five hundreds thousand U.S. dollars as a prize. problems应改为questions 2、拼写错误 这里的拼写错误不是指在考试时候的手误,而是本身对词汇拼写记忆的错误。 In conclusion, issue of whether parents are the best teachers is a complex one, requiring subjective judgement, consequently, there ... [ 查看全文 ]专题推荐:
托福范文:Ge nerational Differenc es
TOEFL Essay: Generational Differences Created by Jeenn Lee Hsien 谢振礼海外投稿 >Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents' genera...[ 查看全文 ]【托福作文】TOEFL Essay: A Reliable Friend
TOEFL Essay: A Reliable Friend Created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh 谢振礼老师海外投稿 转载请注明:留学群托福频道https://www.liuxuequn.com/toefl/zuowen/ What do you want most in a friend? Someone who is intelligent, or so...[ 查看全文 ]