本文由意大利留学网(yidali.liuxuequn.com)意大利语编辑组收集\整理\编辑,供出国留学的学生学习之目的。请大家阅读,如有任何疑问请联系我们。 Not in a very agreeable mood today? There are a number of negative expressions to counteract all those smiley, happy people. Some very common negative expressions include the following: non cambiare una virgola (not to change a single word) non dire una sillaba (not to say a word) non per la quale (not to be trusted) Non vale! (That's not fair/that's cheating!) fuori dal nulla (out of the blue) buono a nulla (good for nothing) Other common phrases that rely o... [ 查看全文 ]意语:意大利语否定表达的相关文章
意大利语学习辅导:le preposizioni articolate
意语学习内容由留学群编辑整理。 When the prepositions a, da, di, in, and su are followed by a definite article, they are combined to form one word. The prepositional articles (le preposizioni articolate) take the ...[ 查看全文 ]