本文由意大利留学网(yidali.liuxuequn.com)意大利语编辑组收集\整理\编辑,供出国留学的学生学习之目的。请大家阅读,如有任何疑问请联系我们。 A sentence is usually made negative in Italian by placing the word non in front of the verb: Francesca voule dormire. (Francesca wants to sleep.) Francesca non voule dormire. (Francesca doesn't want to sleep.) Loro parlano cinese. (They speak Chinese.) Loro non parlano cinese. (They don't speak Chinese.) Only object pronouns may be placed between non and the verb: Lo conosciamo. (We know him.) Non lo conosciamo. (We don't know him.) Lo hanno fatto. (They did... [ 查看全文 ]意大利语词汇:意大利语否定句的相关文章
意大利语学习辅导:le preposizioni articolate
意语学习内容由留学群编辑整理。 When the prepositions a, da, di, in, and su are followed by a definite article, they are combined to form one word. The prepositional articles (le preposizioni articolate) take the ...[ 查看全文 ]