意大利留学网[yidali.liuxuequn.com]收集整理。 An adverb (avverbio) is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. In English, adverbs are often formed by adding the suffix -ly to adjectives: slowly, softly, surely. Adverbs often answer the question come? (how?), quando? (when?), or dove? (where?): Luciano agisce lentamente. (Luciano acts slowly.) Leonardo viene tardi. (Leonardo comes late.) Usciamo adesso. (We're leaving now.) Ci andiamo a giugno. (We are going there in June.) In Italian, many adverbs are formed by adding the ending ... [ 查看全文 ]意语:意大利语副词的相关文章
意大利语学习辅导:le preposizioni articolate
意语学习内容由留学群编辑整理。 When the prepositions a, da, di, in, and su are followed by a definite article, they are combined to form one word. The prepositional articles (le preposizioni articolate) take the ...[ 查看全文 ]