意语学习内容由留学群编辑整理。 Che bello bambino! (What a beautiful baby!) Che bella donna! (What a beautiful woman!) These expressions are familiar to anyone who has ever watched an Italian movie or visited Italy. The exclamation "What...!" is expressed in Italian with the help of the word che. These phrases will surely prove to be very useful in your Italian conversations: Che bei fiori! (What beautiful flowers!) Che belle ragazze! (What beautiful girls!) Che buon'idea! (What a good idea!) Che partita! (What a game!) Che rumore! (What a noise!)... [ 查看全文 ]意大利语:意大利语感叹词的相关文章
本文由意大利留学网(yidali.liuxuequn.com)意大利语编辑组收集\整理\编辑,供出国留学的学生学习之目的。请大家阅读,如有任何疑问请联系我们。 Sometimes the only way to tell the difference between two words with the same literal meaning is to observe how they are...[ 查看全文 ]意大利语学习辅导:详解动词 Sapere and Conoscere
意大利留学网[yidali.liuxuequn.com]收集整理。 The verbs sapere and conoscere both mean "to know," but have different implications. Sapere means "to know," "to be able to," or "to know how to." Take a look at thes...[ 查看全文 ]意大利语学习辅导:动词Potere,Volere,Dovere
意大利语内容由意大利留学考试组编辑、收集、整理、编译等,为学生提供意大利语学习帮助。如有版权问题请与我们联系。 The helper verbs potere (to be able to, can), volere (to want), and dovere (to have to, must) take on different meanings in different tenses. P...[ 查看全文 ]