意语学习内容由留学群编辑整理。 What time is it? is expressed in Italian by Che ora è? or Che ore sono? The answer is È + mezzogiorno (noon), mezzanotte (midnight), l'una (one o'clock), or Sono le + number of the hour for all other times. Fractions of an hour are expressed by e + minutes elapsed. From the half hour to the next hour, time can also be expressed by giving the next hour meno (minus) the number of minutes before the coming hour. Un quarto (A quarter) and mezzo a half often replace quindici and trenta. Un quarto d'ora and mezz'ora mean a ... [ 查看全文 ]意大利语:意大利语时间表达的相关文章
意语学习内容由留学群编辑整理。 The Italian language is rich with proverbs! Here are a few proverbs and expressions in which potere, volere, and dovere make their appearances: Volere è potere. (Where there's a wi...[ 查看全文 ]