意大利语内容由意大利留学考试组编辑、收集、整理、编译等,为学生提供意大利语学习帮助。如有版权问题请与我们联系。 Italian vowels (i vocali) are short, clear–cut, and are never drawn out. The "glide" with which English vowels frequently end should be avoided. It should be noted that a, i, u, are always pronounced the same way; e and o, on the other hand, have an open and a closed sound that may vary from one part of Italy to the other. The approximate English equivalents are as follows: a is like a in the English word ah! ItalianEnglishcasahouseantipastoappetizeramalovesbananabananasalahallPapaPope... [ 查看全文 ]意大利语学习辅导:意大利语元音表的相关文章
意语学习内容由留学群编辑整理。 The Italian language is rich with proverbs! Here are a few proverbs and expressions in which potere, volere, and dovere make their appearances: Volere è potere. (Where there's a wi...[ 查看全文 ]正在提交表单,请稍后...